Technician Services
LVS is now pleased to offer a fresh cow and a pre-weaned calf herd health program. Our registered animal health technologist will come to your farm weekly (Fresh-Start and Calf-Start Full Program) or monthly (Calf-Start Monthly Program), and digital dermatitis scoring to perform the following services:
Fresh Start Program
- Temperature Checks
- Metricheck Scoring
- Ketone Testing
- Record keeping of all findings into your herd management software
- Treatment sheets for individual animals based on findings and a specific treatment protocol created by your herd veterinarian
Calf-Start Program
- Blood Collection from calves 2-7 days of age for total protein measurement
- Weight Tape Measurement at Week 1 and at Week 8
- Dehorning, including local anesthesia and pain medication
- Periodic cleanliness checks using a Luminometer
- Periodic culturing of pre and post pasturized milk fed to calves (if applicable)
- Routine calf health meetings with your herd veterinarian
- Yearly benchmarking reports, comparing your calves anonymously against other calf groups on the Calf-Start Program
Digital Dermatitis Scoring
- Visual inspection and scoring of DD lesions
- Reporting on the prevalence and severity of lesions found